Sunday, October 29, 2017

Forrest Preseve

For my third AP for population I researched about nature reserves. Pretty much what population is it is a STEAM class where I learned about different species and math that relates to it such as combination and permutations relating to different traits about them. I already know about  forrest preves I have went to many of them. I also researched some reasons why they need to be here.   


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Snowy Owl and Kudzu vine

Snowy owl and its invasive spices
2017 October
For my second AP for population class it was about an invasive species coming into a new land. my example was a Kudzu vine going to move to the environment of the owl. Through out my research I learned a lot about this vine and how it is taking over the US southern states. We also learned about how the habitat can effect the species in many ways. We also learned about some math components that can be factored in to this, such as mean median mode range first quartile  third quartile and box and whisker plots
Image result for snowy owl hunting
Image result for snowy owl
In North America, snowy owls are found during the breeding season from the western Aleutians in Alaska to northeastern Manitoba, Northern Quebec and Northern Labrador in Canada. In the winter, they can regularly be found in the northern United States. So obviously they are well use to the cold and the snow. Both the male and the female defend the nest from predators, sometimes by distraction displays. Males may mate with two females that may nest about a mile  apart. Some of the owls stay on the breeding grounds while others migrate.

Image result for snowy owlImage result for kudzu

It started out in Asia and spread to the southern states and grew over a lot of tress and didn't let them get sunlight which is obviously an essential to any tree. Last spring break I went to Louisiana, you could see it over everything in the bayou. Kudzu originated in Japan, where the ecosystem kept the vine from becoming a problem and it is thought to have been introduced to China and Korea. There are multiple ways to control this vine such as biologically, chemically and some people have a small heard of sheep to control this

Image result for snowy owl

So let's say this vine evolved a trait to live in cold weather and travel up into northern US and Canada. The first thing it would effect is every type of tree nesting/ hibernating animal and cause them to have to find a different home. For the snowy owl it will mostly effect is prey such as mice and small varmint. The reason this is is because the snowy owls nest is in the ground not in any tree. But the mouse hibernates in the tree and if this vine kills the tree then the mouse will possibly die as well making it harder to find things to eat for the snowy owl For my 3 different organisms who I think would survive in this habitat is choose prairie dog, black bear, and swift fox. I choose the prairie dog not for its predatory traits which it does have more for it survival traits. Such as it is very good at digging and tunneling through the ground and it is very quick so it can escape its predators. For food it eats bushes which there are some in that climate such as sedum.  For my second organisum I think the black bear would be able to survive. They are already north but not as north as the snowy owl. So my guess is that they have experience with the cold already.Besides that they are very good hunters and quite fast. There food is primarily berries and insects if they wanted to they would eat a fish or mammal. They are opportunistic eaters. Finally I chose the swift fox. The swift fox is a good choice because of its speed. With that it can escape predator or go after prey. Its food is rabbits, prairie dogs, squirrels mice and other varmit.  

Wing spans of snowy owls statistics

The calculation of the nCr and nPr didn't apply to this trait so permutations and combinations were not calculated. Image result for snowy owl    Related image

6ftish wing span
Different color pattern  
Strong beak for eating others
Beak coloration
Thick plumage
Different thickness with owl
Different nail types

Image result for snowy owl

Image result for extinct types of owl
Sharp beak
More orangish that others
Big eyes
All black
Same coloration as the great horned
Hidden ears

Sipa, Silvia. (2013, October 15). Free Photo: "Owl, Snowy Owl, Eat, Chicken." Retrieved from Pixabay - 2495070,

Swain, Jason. (2010, April 27).  Retrieved from

Jeffery, Phil. (2007). Retrieved from

Sipa, Silvia. (2013, October 15). "Snowy Owl, Owl, Bird.” Retrieved from Pixabay - 449986,

Homler, Chuck. (2007, October 13).  “Snowy Owl.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation. Retrieved from

RT Images. (2011, June 13). “Snowy Owl, Bubo Scandiacus, Perched on a Post Making Eye Contact with...” Retrieved from IStock,

Church mouse

For my AP we learned about fables in class and we did some examples and talked about this and how it effected different ways and how they personified animals to show humans mistakes and how they can learn from them and benefit

Once there are church mouse who lived in an old church he wanted to adventure and see new things and brag the other church mice about what he say. The next day the brave church mouse left the monastery and went west. He didn't stop until the sun set that night he put a tent up and sleep next to a small lake. Around 2 in the morning when a dark figure awoke the mouse. The figure said “so are you the mouse who likes to adventure”. He instantly replied “No I am a mouse going to the nearby town to trade”. The tall dark figure said to the mouse “Is that your final answer.” The mouse said yes and carried on with his journey. He got into town and traded some spice and got some bread.In the town he saw the local news boy and he was saying a monastery burned down no one killed put thousands in damage. The article said that there was a man in a long dark cloak saw entering the woods right after everyone evacuated the building.In the store he saw a map on the wall and he saw a place called Oregon and he knew that's where he wanted to go. After he spend some time in the town he kept moving east. And that is what he did. The mouse was about 2 hours into his trip passing a giant rock and he saw a sight he will never forget he saw a soul trapped in a lantern. And just as he was about to get closer the dark figure appeared to him yet again. He was all bloody and his cloak was torn like he was in a fight and lost. He said once again to the mouse “this is your final warning if you don’t turn back now and help your friends you will be lost and damned for ever.” after he said this he turned into a tornado of black dust and descended into the earth. The mouse realised that this was the devil and how he should head warning but alas he was just a mortal mouse. So he continued on through the forest at a brisk jogging pace. Slowly over time the trees started to faded and he colors of the leaves started to turn to grey. And started to run faster and faster and he knew that he was to far into this to turn back. Before he knew it there was nothing and he was in just white and black shapes no forest anymore. He sat down and came to the conclusion that he was stuck in this place for ever. The mouse saw a bar and sat down and the bartender turned around and said “well do you see what you have gotten yourself into.” The mouse didn’t know what to say he thought the man in the cloak will not do any thing but eventually he did. The moral of this story is to not tempt fate  

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


For my AP for stories I wrote about a planet named kratos. We learned about stories and different creation myths. We went to the field museum and saw things about old religions passed down by verbal stories.

One day, over a flat planet named Kratos with no water, no grass, no living things just sand. Then one day an orange Fog came over this land and didn't leave for millenniums. This fog was from a void in the sky barrier which was created by Time himself. The planet was named this because father time had a son and he was named kratos. Kratos died from unknown causes and father time went into a deep depression and he vowed he will create a living being to remind him of his son and so he did.
After this fog left the Kratos and went back into the void from which it came,it left behind was interesting though. It brought grass, oceans, weather, and most importantly life. These people, although primitive, they were quite smart. They build tools to ease their labors, and they cared for each other which odd because they were created to survive.
As time went on these beings learned more about themselves and wondered how the got there. Most people forgot but there was one man who was very old and he was very, very wise people said they remembered a fog in the horizon and floated right of the planet's end. The planet was not a sphere it was a flat surface and the end of it was the source for a lot of myths and stories of creatures and demons hanging

The old man knew he will die some day so each day he wrote all of his wisdom on paper and he kept the paper in the walls of his shack and he put a spell of enteral strength on this shed which maney thought was just made up but some believed this man.

Some months had passed since the anyone has talked to the old wise man in the shed. So a group of people went to see if he was ok. What the saw was very intriguing there was no man just blue dust on the floor and some just used tobacco in his pipe on the table.

Just as the people left the old shed a bolt of photons hit the earth in the ocean and cause a fire on the cause the ocean to be on fire for 3 years. Then one day a rain came and put out that fire. The people realised it was 3 years to the day after the man died. After that they went back to their daily lives and they realised that all of this must be for some reason so they tried as hard as possible to learn and increase knowledge and get more in touch with themselves. Before you know it some of the people who saw these events happen stated a religion and ever 3 years everyone poured oil in the local lake and lit in on fire and it burned for 3 day until it rained. The did this every year and every year father time blessed them with more wisdom and that is how it went for many generations. After centuries of this kratos faded into the fog again and everything was gone. Except 3 trees next to each other they produced enough oxygen to give to a sister planet called earth.

My picture is a map about the land that was in the story. you can see different things i talked about in the story such as the fog and the lake they poured in oil and lit it on fire every 3 years.

OL. (2017) Kratos Map

Frontiers of Ocean Research

I am in a class called Frontiers. This class we learned a lot about oceanography. For our final Action Project we were given the task to wri...