Thursday, December 20, 2018


In this class, we learned about how humans take ideas from animals and change based on what they do such as a car based after A boxfish or a plane based on a bird. We also focused a little bit on Bernoulli's principle which is who things fly and how thrust drag and lift come into play. In this Action project, we had to relate two animals to a house and a vehicle. For example I choose and alligator and a koi fish to base my house and vehicle on.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Lincoln analyse

In our class called Ollywood we learned about many different thins that go into making a movie. We watched Jaws and thought about things like angles of the camera during it. We also watched a film  also at the Siskel and Ebert theater and we saw a film called the area that brought attention to Inglewood and how the Norfolk train company is buying and destroying people's homes. They used a lot for good lighting and camera angles during this film. For our action project Dylan and I created a film review of the film Lincoln. We tried to replicate a Siskel and Ebert review. 

Frontiers of Ocean Research

I am in a class called Frontiers. This class we learned a lot about oceanography. For our final Action Project we were given the task to wri...