Friday, March 22, 2019

Time Flys

At my school GCE lab, we are learning about light, sound, and time. We went on field experience to the planetarium and we learned about relativity and the universe. Recently we learned about clocks and other time-telling devices. We had to create clocks. I made a flying clock. The types of people who would use this are hobbyists who like building things and people who like cool gadgets and novelty items. This is an original idea and I based it off a drone and an alarm clock. The flying part came from a helicopter and that goes back to Leonardo da Vinci Aerial screw design.

Image result for aerial screw

Just to restate some of the math
Circumference is 2x Pi x 3= 18.84 degrees for the small blade. The larger blade is 2 x Pi x 6= 37.6 degrees. 
Dimensions of the clock are 5.1x2.7x1.6 inches. the volume is 22.03 inches.

  In conclusion, I made a clock that can fly. I quite enjoyed this type of project where I got to share the info through a video that I made. I had some trouble keeping this video under 5 minutes and I needed to edit it down about a minute or two.

“The Helicopter.” Go Back to the Front Page,

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Police assembly

I am taking a class called A nations's argument. This is is about the different opinions and how to create a good argument. We had a policing Assembly which is a gathering of people talking to some people in higher positions such as police officer or a community organizer. Police suicides are dramatically higher than average. They are subjected to a lot more job stress which includes regretting shooting people. Also they are frustrated because they can't arrest known criminals. Also bad treatment by the public causes low self esteem.

In conclusion, its agreed that police rates are higher but some people think that the force attracts suicidal people already. Even if this is true the job stress still plays a big role in the cause.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

America are you in or out ? ARG AP2

For my class A Nations Argument we are learning about the US entry test. We reviewed some of these questions in class and saw that they are not as straight forward as they should be. They are either too vague or way too many opinions to answer. I also think they should be a few community type questions. I think the community is a huge part of America and it is good to know if these people would help out there neighbor regardless of race, gender, and beliefs.

I choose these three questions because I feel like these questions can be different for everyone and I feel like there are other ways to answer these questions and I will also talk about could be a bit better.
What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?
I think this is a question that is too vague
What is the “rule of law”?
I feel like this type of question is calling to to
What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
I feel this is a way to bring general because there can be many answers such as the peace marches in the '60s or Martin Luther kind JR.
I feel like these are too opinion based questions and I feel as if the questions should be either right or wrong and not led in other interpretations. Not everyone has the same thoughts about morals common beliefs, Some of these questions have multiple answers, and some are too vague. That's why we need to amend some of these. I also think it should be a level of difficulty to it. For example, not what day was John F Kennedy assassinated, but more like who was John F Kennedy and what were some events that took place during his term? Here are some questions that I think would be better to determine if they are ready to be here

How do the three branches work together to prevent a dictatorship?
this will show if they understand why these branches are set up the way they are

If a neighbor of yours commits a crime and the police come to your door asking for information about that person would you help them

This answers if they are willing to assist police and law enforcement

who was the first African American US president?

This is to see if they know recent history.

My amendment is I propose that the entrance exam is changed to be a lot more of a yes-no type quiz like you would have in 8th-grade history. I feel like the questions that can have multiple answers and the ones that can be interpreted wrong or feel too vague.

Someone who agreed with me is a Peer of mine in school named D.S. "That's a very good point OL, I think that you're right. I agree with you." A good friend of mine named SB is willing to cosign this document. Also five out of six reviews in my class supported it.

Image result for new orleans flood relief

This image is community helping out in the floods in New Orleans. This relates because this is the type of mindset that I think will be the most successful. That is why I asked the Police question.  Being involved in the community is a keystone of the American lifestyle and is very important.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Diddly Bow show

This second action project was about sound. In class, we made a diddly bow. what this is, is a 2x4 wood plant with a can and a guitar string with a battery to tighten the string and a few nails. In this, I will go into how it works and a few calculations about its frequency and wavelength.

The bow will use the string to vibrate all the way through the can and the can will amplify it.

The types of waves it makes are affected by the amount of pressure put on the string while playing it.  another measurement used in this is pitch meaning higher low lower sound. When you hit the string it vibrates and then gets amplifies the sound and leave through the resonator.

All together the Bow was 40 cm. I knew that the middle point was 20 cm. The 1/4 mark was at 10. The 1/3 mark was at 13.3. The 2/3 mark was at 23.3 and the 3/4 mark was 30. The thickness of the string was 0.04 inches. basically what I calculated was the

my string length was 15 inches. the frequency is 661 hertz then I divided this from 343 which is the speed of light and got .518.

I actually really enjoyed this project. I think it is because I like to work with my hands and less textbook type learning. I really enjoyed the woodworking workshop last year and this made me remember the fun I had in that class. I also think it was a really good way to learn about sound because we had to figure out how to tighten the string ourselves and really didn't have any directions which I liked.

Frontiers of Ocean Research

I am in a class called Frontiers. This class we learned a lot about oceanography. For our final Action Project we were given the task to wri...