Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Elevator Pitch Final Presentation
I wanted to focus on an elevator pitch because we are introduced to it in class but I feel like we could’ve went more I depth with this type of pitch really interest me because you have to be direct and informative within 20 to 30 seconds which I think is a very effective technique because it pushes the consumer To have to think fast which sometimes can catch them off guard in a good way.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Time capsule
I am currently in a class called "Equality". We are learning about how some races and genders are discriminated against still to this day. I found it really interesting when we talked about the Japanese internment camps because our next door neighbor, Mr. Honda, was in one. It is unbelievable to me that America had these and people just accepted it as a reality. I wanted to see what this would look like in the future. So basically I theorized what would happen if Russia attacked Anchorage, Alaska and America took the same approach as these camps did in the 1940’s. For my product, I chose to make two protest signs. One from each side of the anti/pro-Russian debate. For the anti-Russian protesters I made their signs say "Better Dead than Red". I chose this because it relates back to the 1950's in America where this "anti-Commie" mentality started. For the pro-Russian sign I had it say "Освободи нашу расу" which translates to "Free Our Race" with a resist fist in the air. I chose a red fist because of the history around "The Red Scare" back in the 50’s. Also, for my OP-ED I chose to use a minority: a Japanese woman and how she reacts to these events as history repeats itself.

There, all Russians will be held until further notice. Again, no one from Russia will be allowed entry in the US at this time. The United States government is taking all precautions to prevent any further warfare as well as investigating where the breach of trust occurred with the Russian spies. No further information is available at this point as to who breached American’s trust however it is confirmed that those persons of interest are being held in the camps. This has caused total upset in the United States and is being broadcasted in round-the-clock news coverage. All citizens who are first generation of Russian descent are forced to leave their homes, jobs and families.
This is causing panic among those US citizens who are not of Russian descent. There is cause for concern about the safety of not only the US citizens but those of Russian descent being sent to camps. Many of these people being interned are experiencing discrimination from other US citizens simply for being Russian. This occurrence is causing national concern. While the spies were American citizens, it is important to note that not all American citizens of Russian descent are traitors to the United States. Shown below are some pro/anti Russian propaganda from the time.
Effective immediately PUB Law 109-442: The full excommunication of all first and second generation Russians.
The United States requires the fullest protection against any and all spies. In order for this to happen, the US is requiring all persons who are not citizens and are of Russian descent to leave the country immediately.
All persons of Russian descent who are second generation or more recent, are reported to go to the internment camp. Any and all people of this description will be moved to such camp until further notice.
Military action will be taken for all people resisting action.
What does the average American think of the law?
Life is pretty normal for most Americans who are not Russian. Life goes on for us. For me, a father of two, I am doing what I can as a police officer. Because of the ongoing war with Russia, the economy is not great so my family is cutting back on spending. A lot of my friends are concerned about the draft and having to go up north to fight. Some of the students at my kids' school are going to a protest rally later this week. They are protesting mostly because the President proposed internment camps in Seattle for Russians. The protesters say it's too similar to the camps the United States had for Japanese 177 years ago. I say, as a person of the law, we can never be too careful. There is no tolerance for spies and right now, we just can't trust the Russians. It is too bad we have to lump all people into one category, but that is just what has to be done.
THE GCE TIMES March 12, 2120
Russian Ban faces Extreme Backlash
The biggest story in 2119 is the banning of all Russian citizens after the Battle of Anchorage. The Russian’s invaded Anchorage, Alaska and took it over. Over the last couple of months, there have been daily battles by the US to try to take it back. It is believed that there are Americans of Russian descent who have sided with Russia to help overthrow Alaska. As a result, the US is banning all Russian citizens entry to the USA. In addition, all first generation, natural-born Americans of Russian descent are being ordered to move to an internment camp in Seattle, Washington. There, all Russians will be held until further notice. Again, no one from Russia will be allowed entry in the US at this time. The United States government is taking all precautions to prevent any further warfare as well as investigating where the breach of trust occurred with the Russian spies. No further information is available at this point as to who breached American’s trust however it is confirmed that those persons of interest are being held in the camps. This has caused total upset in the United States and is being broadcasted in round-the-clock news coverage. All citizens who are first generation of Russian descent are forced to leave their homes, jobs and families.
This is causing panic among those US citizens who are not of Russian descent. There is cause for concern about the safety of not only the US citizens but those of Russian descent being sent to camps. Many of these people being interned are experiencing discrimination from other US citizens simply for being Russian. This occurrence is causing national concern. While the spies were American citizens, it is important to note that not all American citizens of Russian descent are traitors to the United States. Shown below are some pro/anti Russian propaganda from the time.
THE GCE TIMES March 12, 2120
THE GCE TIMES March 12, 2120
The Legal Matters
Effective immediately PUB Law 109-442: The full excommunication of all first and second generation Russians.
The United States requires the fullest protection against any and all spies. In order for this to happen, the US is requiring all persons who are not citizens and are of Russian descent to leave the country immediately.
All persons of Russian descent who are second generation or more recent, are reported to go to the internment camp. Any and all people of this description will be moved to such camp until further notice.
Military action will be taken for all people resisting action.
THE GCE TIMES March 12, 2120
What does the average American think of the law?
Life is pretty normal for most Americans who are not Russian. Life goes on for us. For me, a father of two, I am doing what I can as a police officer. Because of the ongoing war with Russia, the economy is not great so my family is cutting back on spending. A lot of my friends are concerned about the draft and having to go up north to fight. Some of the students at my kids' school are going to a protest rally later this week. They are protesting mostly because the President proposed internment camps in Seattle for Russians. The protesters say it's too similar to the camps the United States had for Japanese 177 years ago. I say, as a person of the law, we can never be too careful. There is no tolerance for spies and right now, we just can't trust the Russians. It is too bad we have to lump all people into one category, but that is just what has to be done.
Ricky Bucko
I am writing as a Japanese-American woman. My great-great grandparents were put into a Japanese internment camp. I remember my great-great grandfather telling me stories of how awful it was for them. They were beaten and starved just because they were Japanese. He told me how the government goons stole his land that they worked hard for and gave them far less than a tenth of the farm's value - only $25,000 in 1970's dollars. After they were let out of the camp, they were treated with such disrespect from their fellow Americans. People who were once their friends were now their enemies for no good reason. I understand that we have to protect our country but is it really necessary to send every Russian to a camp? Are they all dangerous and spies? I think not.
Yui Tang
I am writing as a Japanese-American woman. My great-great grandparents were put into a Japanese internment camp. I remember my great-great grandfather telling me stories of how awful it was for them. They were beaten and starved just because they were Japanese. He told me how the government goons stole his land that they worked hard for and gave them far less than a tenth of the farm's value - only $25,000 in 1970's dollars. After they were let out of the camp, they were treated with such disrespect from their fellow Americans. People who were once their friends were now their enemies for no good reason. I understand that we have to protect our country but is it really necessary to send every Russian to a camp? Are they all dangerous and spies? I think not.
Yui Tang
THE GCE TIMES March 12, 2120
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Good Shot Ammo
In my class "Social Entrepreneurship", we have learned a lot about business. We studied things like different investors and how companies get their funding. We also learned about how a company can have a mission statement and a visions statement which summarizes their goals with that company. Overall this was one of the more informative courses we have done this year and I can really see how this brings in that "real world" aspect to our class.
Bass Pro Corp. “The Best in Fishing, Hunting and Boating Gear: Bass Pro Shops.” The Best in Fishing, Hunting and Boating Gear | Bass Pro Shops, 2006,
“ISO 9000 Family – Quality Management.” ISO, 27 Feb. 2020,
RT ThomasFebruary. “Top 5 9mm Self Defense Rounds Used by Law Enforcement.” Wide Open Spaces, 3 Feb. 2020,
Wagner, Scott W. “Which Firearms and Ammo Do Police Use?” USCCA, 14 Aug. 2019,
Good Shot Ammo Corp.
Business Plan
“Aim Higher”
O.L, Owner
Created on March 8, 2020
Executive Summary
Good Shot Ammo manufactures and distributes ammunition for law enforcement needs as well as recreational hunting and target-shooting weapons. These weapons include rifles, shotguns and pistols. In addition to ammunition supply from our factory, we will offer consultation and training services to those interested in this recreational field to better educate the public on proper gun use.
I have been passionate about ammunition and weapons my entire life. I have a great deal of experience in all facets of gun safety and I see Good Shot Ammo as an opportunity to blend my passion with doing good for the community.
As a large and vital employer in the region, we will strive to aim higher to give back to the community. Our most important customers are those men and women who protect us every day-This is our local law enforcement. Because carrying a weapon is necessary, we hope to be their one stop in supplies so that they are confident in obtaining a sustainable and renewable ammunition source. The ammo is bought in bulk by the station then provided to each officer. We care about the communities we serve and want to help local law enforcement be as effective as possible.
We also care about properly educating the public on how to hunt safely and target shoot. We only promote hunting for game that is overly populated and by reducing the population, we are helping the ecosystem. Also, the bullets sold will have the option of being renewable. Customers can return old shell casings for refurbishment where they will receive new bullets in the old casings for a discounted price. This will decrease the amount of spent brass which harms the environment when left for decay. In addition to preserving used shell casings, using steel shot bullets instead of lead reduces the damage to our environment.
Good Shot Ammo will be located in Walkerton, Indiana. There is a shortage of employment in this area, so bringing the business here will offer the community many more jobs. This has the potential to revitalise the whole region and is needed for Walkerton and its surrounding towns. So not only will Good Shot Ammo strive to help the environment, it will bring economic opportunity to those individuals wanting to work for the company. These are some of the ways Good Shot Ammo meets the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG's this relates to is number eight and twelve. Eight talks about decent work and economic growth. The business will provide jobs to an area that needs them and will boost the regional economy. Number twelve talks about responsible consumption and production. The company takes pride in how we push for all steel ammo and reloadable bullets.
By following the SDGs and the ISO 9001 standard, we are making sure that this business is the most sustainable it can be. We provide healthy work spaces, good pay and opportunities for advancement. The diagram below explains more. 
Company Overview
Mission Statement and Vision
The mission statement
To provide quality protection services to our clients by supplying them with ammunition in a sustainable and renewable way. We hope to become one of the largest ammunition supply companies in the Walkerton region.
The vision statement
At present, ammunition is an almost 20 billion dollar-a-year industry. The future outlook of the industry is positive. It is predicted to grow 3.9% over the next five years and will reach $21 billion by 2023, from $19.6 million in 2017.
At present, ammunition is an almost 20 billion dollar-a-year industry. The future outlook of the industry is positive. It is predicted to grow 3.9% over the next five years and will reach $21 billion by 2023, from $19.6 million in 2017.
Good Shot Ammo will offer its products and services through trade shows, mail-order/catalog sales, retail stores and online orders through its website. Typical customer transactions (price, frequency, volume) are detailed in the Accounting & Investment section.
Legal Structure
Good Shot Ammo is an “S Corporation” and will be located in Walkerton, Indiana. An S Corporation is a type of legal structure for small businesses with a limited number of shareholders.
Marketing & Sales
Industry Research
Good Shot Ammo will join the ammunition industry, a 20 billion dollar enterprise worldwide. We hope to change the way ammunition is made so that one day, all ammunition will be sustainable and renewable.
Detailed Description of Customers
The target customers for Good Shot Ammo are primarily members of law enforcement and the military and secondarily recreational groups such as hunters and target shooters. We can sell to Private militaries per person or in bulk. Usually with law enforcement they always buy in bulk. We hope to work with most local law enforcement agencies to become their main ammunition supplier. In working with local law enforcement, we hope to streamline their ammunition process by effectively supplying the departments with ongoing consulting and supply support.
Some of the demographic characteristics of people buying our ammo are currently white males between the ages of 25 and 65 who are employed and live in rural areas. These demographics are expanding to include other racial sectors. Some of the psychographic qualities might be people of conservative values who appreciate the armed forces and police. The CXL Institute, an online market research firm, provided the standards for this data.
Additionally, we will work with retail customers to supply ammunition for their recreational needs. We hope to offer a monthly subscription for shipments of various ammunition needed based on weapons used. We will also start a shooting competition team to further market our name as well as compete in professional NRA competitions and even the US Olympics.
Company Advantages
Good Shot Ammo provides goods and services to local law enforcement, military, military specialists and recreational customers. A key competitor for Good Shot Ammo is a company called Federal Premium Ammunition. They serve primarily law enforcement and military customers. It would be good for our two companies to have a friendly competition. By doing this we show that are ammo is reliable to Federals and we can show a lot of people how don't know about the company. This is how free market enterprise works. A potential client for Good Shot Ammo could be the US Army. A requisition from the government would be extremely beneficial for our business. This will not be an easy client but we can work for it.
Research and Development
The company is planning to conduct research and development in sustainable and renewable bullet manufacturing, such as how to protect steel from rusting before use. Also, better packaging needs to be developed that is absolutely airtight so that nothing will oxidize.
Growth Strategy
To grow the company, Good Shot Ammo will do the following:
Network at gun and ammunition industry trade shows
- Network with the Fraternal Order of Police
Establish a company website that contains information about our services with Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to Consumer (B2C) portals
Create a professional marksmanship team and promote the bullets made in-house as they use these products during competitions.
Management & Organizational Structure
Principal Members
Owner/Operator. Oversees all operations of the company.
Human Resource Account Manager. Overseas all personnel and ISO 9001 compliance.
Research and Development Manager. Oversees new product development.
Marketing and Sales Manager.Oversees the sales force and website development. Production manager. Oversees all manufacturing operations and ISO 9001 compliance.
Accounting & Investment
Yearly Projected Costs - salary, expenses
3 Year Projections
Year one shows slightly lower sales than predicted so the profit is barely enough to cover R and D. Year two and three we profited as predicted and used the following assumptions about the cost.
Cost of Goods 35%
Labor 25%
Overhead 25%
Rtd. Profit (5% R&D) 15%
“ISO 9000 Family – Quality Management.” ISO, 27 Feb. 2020,
Wagner, Scott W. “Which Firearms and Ammo Do Police Use?” USCCA, 14 Aug. 2019,
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