Thursday, September 27, 2018

Vote For John Kozlar

For our class called Rhetoric we have learned about speaking and connecting to others through speech. We went to some field experiences and some people came in. We went to a MLK statue in the south west side and talked about how his voice was used as a weapon. We also went to a music shop and we saw how they advertised guitars. We also did a small project were we made a new guitar design to make it look more modernized. This action project was about the mayoral candidates and we had to choose one and right a script about him or her showing their views. I had John Kozler he is one of the people who is running. I like some his ideas and I wanted to find out more about him so I did. You are about to read the script I wrote there is some variation in the script because I said hello  to the person I was talking to but that's about the only difference. 

I truly believe that John Kozler is the best candidate for this city. I think he can relate to people in Chicago. He was born on the Southside and he can definitely understand some of the issues if he is from there. His campaign slogan is ENOUGH OF THE ELITIST AND MACHINE POLITICIANS RUNNING OUR CITY. IT'S TIME TO TAKE CHICAGO BACK! Hopefully he is also going to target issues in other neighborhoods, not just the ones near where he is from. Kozler is the youngest running for office at 29 years old. He is trying to fix things like working with the community members and Chicago Police to infiltrate gangs and add programs so the most at risk people can have an opportunity to make a positive impact on society. This would definitely make things safer and hopefully lower the chicago crime stats. This candidate can save lives if elected. This city will be running better than an oiled machine when he’s in office and you can take that to the bank.  

“John Kozlar for Mayor.” John Kozlar for Mayor, 201AD,

Strength N' Aid

In this class called Design and Engineering we learned about simple machines, how animals use tools, and how it relates to humans. We also attended some FE's to places like Home Depot and the design lab Beyond Design. These places helped teach us about how tools can be improved from their original design.

The purpose of this Action Project was to have empathy for other people that can't use basic tools. There was this lady named Pattie Moore. What she did was she dressed up as an old woman and gave herself the physical disadvantages of senior citizens. She realized that everyday basic functions are a lot more difficult when you are old. So empathy relates because you have to put yourself in the shoes of someone who can't do these things. What PA and I did was we redesigned a Mattock pick, which is a tool with a pick and a trench on the head. Also what we did was as a class we interviewed someone who gardens. I interviewed my father who has gardened for years and owned a flower shop in the 80s. This is a wedge because the head of the Mattock is not pointed but rather more slanted.This is a wedge because it is sharp at the end and expands in width towards the back. Our design is very economic and cost effective. It is lighter and easier to use for those who can't lift.

In conclusion this project was about putting oneself in another person's shoes and designing something for them. We designed a mattock that is meant for old people to use with ease. The mattock bends and lands on their shoulder and we give them a coat that has metal shoulder blades so it doesn't injure them over time.   

In conclusion this Project was about putting oneself in the other person's shoes and designing something for them. We designed a mattock that is meant for old people to use with ease. The mattock bends and lands on their shoulder and we give them a coat with that has metal shoulder blades so it doesn't injure them over time.   

Frontiers of Ocean Research

I am in a class called Frontiers. This class we learned a lot about oceanography. For our final Action Project we were given the task to wri...