Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Snowy Owl

For my first AP for population class I choose the snowy owl to research. what population basically is is it is a class where you learned a mix of science and math and the correlate .Through out the term I learned a lot such as Venn diagram, taxonomy, and universal numbers. They all relate to each other which i find fascinating. I research a lot about the snowy owl these are some of the things I learned.

First of all the taxonomy of the bird  
Kingdom:Animalia       Spine
Phylum:Chordata   nerves 
Class:Aves        wings 
Order:Strigiformes Owl    
Family:Strigidae  true owl
Genus:Bubo Eurasian eagle-owl
Species:B. scandiacus
OL. (2017) Snowy Owl.
Some interesting facts about the bird. It is found in Canada and Russia and Greenland. This type of owl makes its nest on the ground  but it as to have good visibility. The females can lay 3 to 15 eggs at a time. Males typically have 2 females to mate with. Snowy owls nest in the Arctic tundra of the AlaskaNorthern Canada, and Eurasia.

Hunting and diet
This animal relies on hunting lemmings mice and others small mammals. also if there is a shortage in these animals it goes for bigger targets such as prairie dogs, Each bird must capture roughly 7 to 12 mice per day to meet its food requirement and can eat more than 1600 lemmings per year. Unlike most owls that hunt at night. Snowy owls are also diurnal and hunt during the day and night.

Math Component 

Talons ∈ S
Sharp beak  ∈ S
Hunters  ∈ S
Long neck ∉  S
Camouflage  ∈ S

S ⋂ L = {hunting}

S ⋂ L = {camouflage}

S U L = {Alpha structure }  

S U B = {Heterotroph}

S ⋂ B = {Eats fish}

OL. (2017) Venn Diagram 

Work Cited 



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