Monday, November 26, 2018

MAD MAX Critique

In our class Ollywood, we are learning about film production and how to analyze movie closer. We watched the film Jaws about well you know, but we took notes on things most people don't pay attention too such as the location and why it was chosen. We also went on a field experience to lower wacker drive to try to imagine film scouts and how they choose the perfect location and time of day and lighting. For this Action Project, we had to watch a film and summerise it. I watched Max Max Fury Road which is surprisingly not only about Max he isn't even the protagonist in the film.

Mad Max critique

This film is a has amazing screen effects and a great soundtrack it lacks a little bit in the story just to stay interesting but the action sequences make up for it. Mad Max fury road is the fourth installment for the series. This continues the Mad Max film series and takes aspects from the comics which is cool. In this one, Max(Tom Hardy) is captured by the war boys and put in captivity as a blood bag for soldiers. The war boy he gets assigned to give blood to is a guy named Nux(Nicholas Hoult). Nux wants to die historically on the fury road so he straps Max to the front of his pursuit vehicle and they try catching up to the protagonist named Furisoa(Charlize Theron). She is trying to help the Important wives escape from the citadel and go to this place called the green place. The three main towns hunt down the rig. The bullet farmer’s war party, the Important party and The people eater’s war party all went after her.

The protagonist is Furisosa a good quote by her is “now pick up what you can and run” this shows that she is really tough and ready for battle and not afraid of anyone. The antagonist is Important joe. He is a dictator of the citadel and has an army of “war boys” who look at him as a diety. There is this one scene were Nux and his co-pilot yelled out at Important joe and Joe looked towards them. Nux exclaimed “he looked at me, He actually looked at me” which shows that the war boys have gotten convinced were all they are is just expendable pawns. A quote by him is Do not become addicted to water, it will take hold of you and you will resent its absence. Him having control of the water supply makes all the civilizations there begin to die out and the way he gives out water is very cruel. He realizes the water for 30 seconds from a big pipe and then stops it and watches everyone fight over it. When furiosa escapes one of the Imortant’s son notices the war rig off the path and trying to escape. So they send all the parties after them. In the chase, Nux and max crash into the war rig and max gets to throw off the front of the car and is disconnected from Nux so he is not his blood bag anymore. Max wakes up and runs to the war rig and tries to steal it. Furiosa fights him for it and it is kind of a tie but max stats to drive off but she has a kill switch on the engine so he doesn't make it far. They both realize that it would be better for them to work together to escape the war parties so they team up. They continue on for days looking for the green place. They pass through a swamp and they get stuck. Max fights off the bullet farmer and kills him with an off-screen explosion. This buys them some time because of all the other cars after they get stuck in the mud. So they keep pushing on. Eventually, they find a group who used to live in the green place and they talk in a reminiscent way about it and furiosa wonders why. They tell her how they had to abandon it and how the soil was poisoned and how that the five of them are the only ones left from that tribe and how everyone else is dead. This really makes furiosa angry because that was here only plan and there is else out there. (In the comics they call it the Big Nothing) In a final showdown, they fight off the war parties after they and a lot of them die. Furiosa gets stabbed in the lung so she is out of commission so it's up to Max to fix this. Max gets into a fist fight with Rictus a six foot eleven inch three hundred thirty pound guy who is one of the Important sons. Max realizes quick that punching him doesn't do anything so he looks for items to hit him with. They fight for a bit until max realizes that this is going nowhere so he jumps off the war rig on to an enemy’s car keep in mind Nux is driving the war rig. Max gets pinned down and is getting attacked. Out of nowhere Furisoa stands up and wraps a chain around the Imortant’s neck and shoves it into the tire of this car so it rips his face off. Seeing this Nux realizes that he has been lied to and that he is not a prophecy and “one who grabbed the sun”. Rictus is still standing on the war rig and Max, Furiosa and some of the wives get onto the truck max hijacked in front of the rig. Rictus rips the engine out of the rig and Nux flips it so it blocks the road because the road was very narrow there. All the vehicles get stopped and crash and Max escape. They return to the citadel and show everyone the faceless body of Important joe and they all realize that they have been lied to as well. The movie ends with max disappearing into the crowd of bystanders and furiosa taking command.

The set is mostly the desert and the movie is about cars and power. I could imagine it in the artic maybe but this is a post-apocalyptic movie so there is barely anything left. There are some variations of the land like the swamp scenes and the canyon but the land isn't living everything is dead. the clothes are like you showed someone a barn and said make combat uniforms from items in here. So its a lot of rugged materials. Also, some different tribes have different outfits like the war boys. They wear black cargo pants and no shirt with a lot of tattoos on them. Their skin is also bleached white.

I think my favorite scene was when Rictus(the imortant’s son) ripped the engine of a truck he was standing on. It was filmed very well and had a good soundtrack in the background. It also slowed down the frames so you saw every single bolt and screw from that engine fly out. There really isn't any dialog besides Rictus yelling his own name while ripping out the engine. It shows that Rictus is kind of still barbaric to cheerfully yell his own name which no one really does now after a successful action. It moves the story forward a lot because this causes the war rig to crash and block all the other war parties. It really doesn't reflect modern times YET. It is a fictional post-apocalyptic time after the world ran out of the water. It does show how society can break down without basic necessities like food and water so it's a good lesson to conserve water. I read some were that the cars stood for power and the bigger and faster the car is the more respect you have that's why Nux a war boy is in a small muscle car while Important Joe is in a giant modified car with tractor wheels on it. I would give this film a thumbs up for sure.

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