Saturday, November 16, 2019

Simple but Effective

For my class “Econ” we focused a lot on older views of the way the industry and how it works. For the second unit we focused on a book called doughnut economics. This book focuses on more socialistic view of economy. That means everyone is working for each other instead of a more capitalist view which is more about working for yourself. An example of one of her big beliefs ins the doughnut cart that she thinks shows all big problems and shows the issue of over doing it. For this Action Project we were told to make a logo for our own economic principle. Our class had two field experiences as well. One to the Capital One bank we learned about credit and how to be smart when using a credit card and values of items. I feel they are more traditional than the other. The other FE we went on was to a shared workspace. This is kind of an interesting idea in my opinion. A man named Garr talked to us about a circular economy and how much money is wasted by not reusing items. I think he said something like 500 million. Which is a crazy to be missing out out these opportunities. I don't really like the idea of a circular economy everyone has to follow and use as a template for their business but I think they are very smart to do what their doing.

“How to be successful” (OL 2019)


This image I created encapsulates my ideas about how the economy should work. I think it always starts out with a good idea that’s why I put the light bulb to symbolize an idea. Space next to need some money to start up a company or an idea. Also you need to invest a lot of time and energy into the dream you have. The last image shows a man climbing up the stairs towards a trophy to me this represents getting a good foot forward toward success. I chose this image of the man going up the stairs on purpose because it is a single person not a group of people just a single person‘s work who him or her to this place.


In the book the radical of donut economics Rayworth talks a lot about about making the economy more community-based. “Depicting rational economic man as an isolated individual – unaffected by the choices of others – proved highly convenient for modelling the economy, but it was long questioned even from within the discipline” this was a quote from Kate Raworth's book. I don't think this is kind of putting all these people in a generalization and I dont think thats a good way to ever look at something. I do not think the government should put laws on things like how much money we can have. Personally I am a free-market capitalist. I think the government should minimize its effect in the marketplace. I think it should be as simple as “Hey do you want this piece of bread” “yes that looks great and I’m quite hungry”. “Great that’s only 2 dollars”. I don’t want the government to come in and be like well actually the bread crust is technically made by these people so a portion of that is going to have to go to the bread maker and then a little to the supervisor of the bread factory. I hope you understand my bread analogy. But overall I genuinely think people acting in their self interest is the most efficient way to make a powerful economy. I understand some people think it is out outdated idea. I don’t agree. I think if the government still managed things like social work and outreach programs it would still be effective. I just think the government should leave businesses alone. I want to quote PragerU and agree with this statement. "Capitalism is the only economic system that rewards people for helping others before they help themselves. The market fosters empathy and benevolence by rewarding those who create goods and services that benefit others in society." Overall I think the idea of free market capitalism is fair and just. You can make a company while being dirt poor and have it skyrocket and be wildly successful and I think that is amazing.PragerU . This is a link to the site that has a video and a small article which I find very insightful.


Chappelow, Jim. “Free Market Definition.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 14 Sept. 2019,

Doughnut Economics, Kate Raworth

Glider, George. “Why Capitalism Works.” PragerU, 10 Mar. 2014,

Smythe, james. “Why Communism ALWAYS Fails - Kept Simple for the General Reader.” News24, 26 Aug. 2014,


I really had fun with this project personally I liked the visualizing of making my own logo and liked talking about a cause that I believe to be true. I think my design was simple but effective just like free market capitalism.

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