Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Diddly Bow show

This second action project was about sound. In class, we made a diddly bow. what this is, is a 2x4 wood plant with a can and a guitar string with a battery to tighten the string and a few nails. In this, I will go into how it works and a few calculations about its frequency and wavelength.

The bow will use the string to vibrate all the way through the can and the can will amplify it.

The types of waves it makes are affected by the amount of pressure put on the string while playing it.  another measurement used in this is pitch meaning higher low lower sound. When you hit the string it vibrates and then gets amplifies the sound and leave through the resonator.

All together the Bow was 40 cm. I knew that the middle point was 20 cm. The 1/4 mark was at 10. The 1/3 mark was at 13.3. The 2/3 mark was at 23.3 and the 3/4 mark was 30. The thickness of the string was 0.04 inches. basically what I calculated was the

my string length was 15 inches. the frequency is 661 hertz then I divided this from 343 which is the speed of light and got .518.

I actually really enjoyed this project. I think it is because I like to work with my hands and less textbook type learning. I really enjoyed the woodworking workshop last year and this made me remember the fun I had in that class. I also think it was a really good way to learn about sound because we had to figure out how to tighten the string ourselves and really didn't have any directions which I liked.

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